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Image by Antonello Falcone - The Wiseman


We are a Reformed church plant in Lowndes County, GA.
We hope that you will join us!

Our Vision:

In a world of corrupt and crumbling communities and institutions, we seek to be a Pillar. Built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone, we exist to hold up and hold out the truth of God's Word, laboring by God's grace for reformation, revival, and renewal for generations in Lowndes County.

Our Values:

1. Sound Doctrine

We believe that the Word of God forms the people of God by the Spirit of God. We affirm the "five solas" of the Protestant Reformation and the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) as a faithful summary of the teaching of the Bible.

2. Participatory Worship

Worship isn't a product you consume; it is an offering in which you participate. The Christian life is built on the foundation of weekly worship (Acts 2:42). On the first day of the week, the Lord calls his people into a common assembly to worship in his presence (Acts 20:7). We come singing the Word, praying the Word, hearing the Word read and preached, and seeing the Word in the sacraments. All members of the church are expected to participate in each element of worship according to the commandment and example of holy scripture. We are a family-integrated church, meaning that we desire our children to be present and participate in worship with us (2 Chron. 20:13). It is our responsibility as Christian parents to train our children up into a mature participation in the Liturgy (Eph. 6:4). We will provide a space for infants and toddlers as they learn, but encourage parents to keep their little ones in the service as much as possible. We welcome them as Christ welcomes them. In fact, he says we could learn a thing or two from them. (Luke 18:16-17)

3. Home-centered Hospitality

As those who have been welcomed by Christ, we welcome one another (Rom. 15:7). And this welcome from Jesus extends beyond our gathering for worship on Sundays. This welcome includes regular fellowship in our homes, around dinner tables, living rooms, and backyards. We feast together. We laugh together. We work together. And we weep together. And ultimately we grow together into the image of Christ. We have not been left as orphans (Jn. 14:18), but have been adopted into a real family through the blood of Christ (Rom. 8:15). And we intend to live out this objective reality purchased for us by the Savior day by day.

4. Cultural Creation & Engagement

Culture inevitably flows from cultus. Our work will be shaped by our worship. We believe that God has called his people to pursue the good, beautiful, and true in every sphere of life for his glory. We create to honor the Creator. We live in a world that is fallen and in rebellion against its Creator. Therefore, it is our duty to challenge the prevailing narratives of the world as we seek to "bring every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5). Following the model set by Jesus and his Apostles, we proclaim the Lordship of Christ into the public square.


We recognize the biblical model of a plurality of elders in the local church.

We value men in leadership who honor the Word of God, love the Church,

and who are willing to lay down their lives for both.

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